Breakthrough: Quantum Magnetic Field Sensor to Control Prostheses, Exoskeletons and Avatars with Neural Signals

Stuttgart / Hanover, April 18, 2024 – Human-Interface-Technologies have the potential to revolutionize entire industries. With its magnetic field sensor, the German photonic deep-tech scale-up Q.ANT has taken a decisive step in this direction and initiated a paradigm shift. More precise than before, Q.ANT’s new sensor can measure the finest electrical currents via their magnetic […]

Q.ANT presents the potentials of quantum technology at the Hannover Fair

Fully integrated quantum magnetic field sensor brings reading of human muscle signals within reach Small, lightweight and highly sensitive: with a magnetic field sensor the size of the palm of a hand, Stuttgart-based start-up Q.ANT wants to open up industrial fields of application. One could be medical technology. In the near future, the quantum sensor […]

MiLiQuant project successfully finalized

After three years of joint developments, the publicly BMBF-funded project MiLiQuant – Miniaturized Light Sources for Quantum Technology – expired. Led and coordinated by Q.ANT, the project aim of developing beam sources based on diode lasers to enable industrial use of quantum technologies was successfully achieved. The interdisciplinary consortium of science and industry with the […]


Quantum sensor technology as a key enabler for precise measurement of the position and location of objects. Sounds a bit complex, but exactly this indoor localization system can be a door opener for the automation of processes for Industry 4.0, Smart Home as well as robotics applications in the field of Healthcare and Smart Agriculture. […]

Breaking News: Stuttgart-Ulm becomes Future Cluster for Quantum Sensors – QSens

In an exciting competition with more than 50 participants, we were able to convince the jury and the BMBF with our concept “QSens – Quantum Technology and the Sensors of the Future”. Delighted about this decision, we will immediately start to implement it. We are focusing on the development of new quantum sensors for […]

Q.ANT is recognized as a Sample Vendor in three Gartner® Hype Cycle™ 2024 reports.  

We provide exclusive access to the Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Deep Technologies 2024 report. Learn how Photonic Computing and Quantum Sensors can transform future business and society.