Q.ANT develops first quantum chip demonstrator for Bundesdruckerei GmbH

Research cooperation between federal company and Stuttgart-based high-tech start-up Stuttgart, 27. June 2023 – Quantum chips working with light may play a central role on the path to quantum computers in the future. As part of a research development contract from Bundesdruckerei GmbH, Q.ANT has developed a first prototype that successfully generates random numbers based […]

Q.ANT and IMS CHIPS set up quantum chip fabrication

Stuttgart, June 21, 2023 – Stuttgart-based start-up Q.ANT and the Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart (IMS CHIPS), today signed an agreement to jointly manufacture quantum chips. Chips for quantum processors are to be produced in small batches in just two years. As a leading quantum technology company, Q.ANT contributes its know-how in quantum computer chip production […]

Q.ANT on-chip optical modulators successfully demonstrated

Q.ANT has accomplished the next milestone towards the development of its photonic quantum computer. At the heart of Q.ANT’s approach to photonic quantum computing is the quantum photonic integrated circuit PIC. Here, Qbits based on light serve as information carriers. By spatial and temporal manipulation of the photons through the modulator, quantum effects are generated. […]


Today, we are very proud to announce: we at Q.ANT will coordinate PhoQuant, a 50 Million Euro project, funded by the BMBF. Together with our partners we have one goal: build a photonics quantum computer, made in Germany, addressable worldwide via cloud services. PhoQuant focuses on the development of Photonic Quantum Computing Chips, Control components, […]

Q.ANT goes Quantum Computing

Today was a very important day for us. We announced that we will enter Quantum Computing. After three years of development, we succeeded to realize highly efficient light channels on silicon, the workhorse of the semicon industry. With this technology we will be able to generate, transport and manipulate qubits very efficiently. Our goal is […]

Louise Hoppe, Quantum Future Award

Congratulations Louise – all of us at Q.ANT are super happy with you about your second place at this year’s Quantum Future Award 2020 of the BMBF. What an impressive result. Louise did her master thesis together with the Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW) in Stuttgart and Q.ANT. With her master thesis she laid the foundation […]